Friday 13 March 2015

Wednesday: 25th February 2015

I took the plunge today and ordered 2 wigs. I don't actually think I have ever mentioned this before but guess what! Crohn's has also made me loose a lot of my hair, this illness is a big bitch, it's classed as a digestive disorder so why can't it just effect my digestive system only. Sorry, I totally got off the hair loss subject there.

Okay so back on to my hair, I can only remember one time that my hair was really thin like this and that was when I had the large bowel abscess, active Crohn's disease in every part of my digestive track and was severely malnourished. I am not really sure why it has got this thin again but it has so this time round I have decided to buy a wig. It's taking me about month to make the decision to buy a wig because I didn't want to admit to myself that my hair was that bad and I was that sick again because as you all know by now I don't class myself as sick person and I never want any special treatment. Sorry I have gotten off tangent again. The more I thought about the wigs I started to think they are a really good idea. I love the whole bright coloured hair but I have never had the courage to dye it bright because a) my hair probably wouldn't cope with the bleaching process and b) I change my mind every day because I am such indecisive person, so if I get a few wigs that means that I can alternate my hair colour everyday. 

I was originally going to a wig that was over £80 but when I told my mum of my plans she said that maybe I should buy a cheaper wig to start with because what if I didn't like it and I ended up spending all that money on something that would only be used once. Of course she is right so I have went onto a few websites and I finally decided on these two. 

I decided on neutral ones to start with because they are the ones that I will probably get the most use out of, the 2nd one is actually really like my own hair. I really do hope they will be okay because some wigs can look really crap.

Previous post - Monday 23rd February                                                         
                                                                                         Next post - 

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  1. I lose a lot of hair too. It doesn't seem to be widely recognised even by docs.

  2. I lose a lot of hair too. It doesn't seem to be widely recognised even by docs.
